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Safety first

Taking care of you ...


Dear Customers,

Welcome to Lefkis apartments & studios

Please be informed that our accommodation is fully in line with the specific health protocols on the basis of which tourism businesses operate in the context of the taking of measures against covid-19, as defined by No. No. 1881/29.5.2020 Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers of Finance – Health and Tourism (Government Gazette 2084 B’ / 29-5-2020)

All staff of the accommodation have received the necessary training to comply with the health protocols.

The property has received a”Health First”certification mark from the Ministry of Tourism showing that the company adheres to health protocols.

In our effort to respond to the new data brought about by the COVID-19 conovirus pandemic, we ask for your understanding and adherence to the measures to avoid transmission of COVID-19.

Please be informed that the company is not civilly liable, vis-à-vis any person, directly or indirectly related to covid-19 crown virus, provided that it complies with the specific health protocols and has the “Health First” certification mark (para. 5, Article 60, Law 4688/24-5-2020).

On behalf of the management of Lefkis apartments & studios we wish you a pleasant and safe stay!

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